Internship Experience Speak

Ritz Carlton, Sanya

Bharat Khanal, FHSDHM 2016 Intake

Working among the different department has sharpened the skills as well as changed the way of perceiving the things. I got chance to work in Housekeeping Department, Guest Relation Department and Fitness Center. These different departments had different way of doing the job that demanded me to change to fit on the job and this change has helped me to be a better me.

While working in the Housekeeping Department, we got to the chance to train by the best Housekeeping Attendant of the Villa as the result the skill I got was of the Villa standard we got chance to work in the Villas . We were the first international trainees to work in the villa as a Housekeeping Attendant on the history of the Ritz Carlton. There used to be cross checking by the director and if the work was not as per the standard the HousekeepingAttendant was demoted to clean to the normal room but in different checking we maintain ourselves on that level we worked all four months on Villa that was the proud movement.

The next department I worked was in the Guest Relations. The work that I did in Guest Relations was entirely different then the Housekeeping Department. In Guest Relations I was given a computer and list to do work. I got chance to use Opera, Mystic and GXP. Firstly it was little bit hard for me to adjust as my colleagueswith whom I worked could not speak English which created misunderstanding but later I was guided by Sue who hadvery good English as well as very professional way of handling the problems.

The next department I worked was theFitness Center where I got chance to learn a lot of thing about the fitness. I learn to use different equipment and also got chance to improve myself physically. Here the manager always focus on the self improvement and also motivate me to improve every day.

Internship in China has given me more experience on major two categories it has improved my skills and it has changed the dimension of thinking. This will help me in entire life to make a better me.